It's been a few weeks since I moved back home to Guam and being the new face around the island, I am the hot shit for the next however months. Everytime I go out it's all eyes on me. Most local people here dress in slippers and shorts while I'm peacocking with faded jeans, belt buckle, expensive shoe, accessories and a crazy hairdo.
I'm still confirming that all girls are the same around the world. I've already sarged in Costa Rica, Vegas, LA, San Diego, Hawaii and now Guam.
Bottom line fellas, you have to be confident and it needs to show. What is confidence? Maybe it's being ignorant. Personally, I don't care what they think or react on my approach. I just don't care. You have to tell yourself they are not important. Maybe it's finding your inner self and building the personal belief in yourself. Either way, you can't hesitate, you can't ask for permission and you have to lead.
The islands is a whole different game. In LA, I had sex witha girl within the first 10 minutes of sarging but in the islands, it's a bit tougher to make the panties drop. Why? Because your rep is important and there is nothing in the island to do but to bar b q, fuck and talk shit about others. I ain't complaining. It's fun.
For example. I took a girl out on a date last week and it was nice. I then took a girl out the other night and the girl number 1 found out about it the early next morning! Really?! Crazy. I really have to be careful and not get into anything serious where the woman could be hurt or cause major drama.
Remember, my whole point of understanding how women think and function is to have the best serious relationship in the end from having a girlfriend to ultimately have the amazing married life possible. But to be the best race car driver, you must test drive and practice many times.
I have two sets of friends out here and one set, they are super nice to women but are very popular. The other, they are bad boys, very aggresive and also are very popular. They both get girls but of course the bad boys get most of them. I know, it's stupid to think that you have to be bad to girls to make them like you. You should be well balanced. You don't want to be a pussy and you don't want to be a total asshole but you want to have confidence enough to stand your own grounds and opinion and know what you want.
Don't ask her is she's doing alright, let her know that you're having a fun time because your opinion is important also. It's all about framing. If you're having a good time and you're showing it, she too will have a good time from the fun energy you are producing. If I come over and put my arms around you and tell you that this place is awesome and actually mean it, you too will feel like it's a fun place. Keep that energy and put it out there for people to absorb than you'll be the leader of the pact.
Back to my journey. Getting a phone number has just become a habit now. Following through and going on dates still need perfection but I am learning. I took this girl to multiple venues and she was complying to all my demands. When I went to kiss her, I had this small speech about me kissing her to see how our energy mixed. We kissed than she told me that ladies like surprises and not to feel pressured to kiss. We all know that about girls but I wanted to test out different things to say before kissing to guarantee a success. Most guys will just lean in and try to kiss without saying anything which is what a girl wants but i think this only works when the girl is already physically attracted to you. How about the normal good guys? It has to be a psychologically attraction that makes kissing a success.
Couple good things to say for a kiss if you don't want to just lean in and have the girl be surprised and pull away:
"What grade would you give yourself as a kisser? Let's find out" then lean in.
"Would you like to kiss me?" If she says maybe than you say, "lets find out" than lean in. If she says no, than you say, "Your face expression told me you wanted something" than just lean back and continue with the conversation.
One thing you must always do is go for the kiss in the first date, always. She must know you are in it to win it:) and not to be her friend.
Don't get me wrong, I have handful of close hemale friends and they are very dear to me and are legitimately friends and not girls who I haven't fucked yet. Some I've tried and chemistry is off and some are plain cool but just don't have that chemistry.
I will write more as I adventure around here. I wouldn't be surprised if someone in guam finds this blog and figures out who is writing this. To be continued...
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