To Agree or to Disagree.

Sunday, August 31, 2008

To agree or to disagree. I say, try to disagree as much as possible. Ever since my oneitis, I keep catching myself agreeing more to what a girl has to say. This past week, I have been on dates and talking to girls at clubs and I have been agreeing to all their bullshit. My last date, Kel and I went to an awesome concert, had an amazing time, great vibe and all but towards the end she talked about her ex and her old feelings of sadness started to emerge. This is the 5th girl that's in my life that's dwelling on their ex boyfriends. Yes, my oneitis is also dwelling on her ex and has gone back to him as well.

This has brought my level back a notch. It's like how super mario gets hit by the crawling owl and shrinks to his tiny self. That's me right now. I used to be on top of my game and life just last month. Now I have girls bitching about their ex to me left and right.

This is the original mister nice guy coming out of me, probably to try to win their approval since I am being bombarded with ex issues. OMG! Just last night, we were kicking it at a friends house after a great night of sarging and the cool girl we were kicking it with were talking about how this guy that she was into dumped her for his ex.

I have made a decision that I am not going to tlerate ano more of this consoling when we barely know each other. It just brings me down. It makes me agree to all their issues.

I just realized this last night when the girl said 'I got over him in a month' then my homeboy Mafia said 'I don't get over it that quickly' while my sad ass said 'it's very strong of you to be like that'!

Right after that, I just caught myself coming back down into mister nice guy mode. Hey, I've had all these girls come at me within a week and I was ambushed so that is my weak excuse. I'm telling you, I'm coming out of it starting today!

I have caught myself agreeing too much within this last couple of weekends and it messes up your game.

Don't get me wrong, last night was still great. Than again, I didn't approach any girls but had 3 different girls approach us which made the night interesting.

Back to agreeing or disagreeing. You need to disagree as much as possible. Disputes and having a strong identity is attractive. This works both ways. I also happen to find attractive when girls disagree with me. Have you had a conversation where a girl seems to agree to most of what you're saying. So it might be a universal agreement but the conversation doesn't go any where!

If you find yourself agreeing to most of what she has to say, maybe because you guys actually have them in common, just pick a topic and disagree just to disagree. If you get her to changer her mind than she has complied to you which gives you the leverage.

Quit agreeing so damn much. Yes I'm talking to you too logan:)

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