To Agree or to Disagree.

Sunday, August 31, 2008

To agree or to disagree. I say, try to disagree as much as possible. Ever since my oneitis, I keep catching myself agreeing more to what a girl has to say. This past week, I have been on dates and talking to girls at clubs and I have been agreeing to all their bullshit. My last date, Kel and I went to an awesome concert, had an amazing time, great vibe and all but towards the end she talked about her ex and her old feelings of sadness started to emerge. This is the 5th girl that's in my life that's dwelling on their ex boyfriends. Yes, my oneitis is also dwelling on her ex and has gone back to him as well.

This has brought my level back a notch. It's like how super mario gets hit by the crawling owl and shrinks to his tiny self. That's me right now. I used to be on top of my game and life just last month. Now I have girls bitching about their ex to me left and right.

This is the original mister nice guy coming out of me, probably to try to win their approval since I am being bombarded with ex issues. OMG! Just last night, we were kicking it at a friends house after a great night of sarging and the cool girl we were kicking it with were talking about how this guy that she was into dumped her for his ex.

I have made a decision that I am not going to tlerate ano more of this consoling when we barely know each other. It just brings me down. It makes me agree to all their issues.

I just realized this last night when the girl said 'I got over him in a month' then my homeboy Mafia said 'I don't get over it that quickly' while my sad ass said 'it's very strong of you to be like that'!

Right after that, I just caught myself coming back down into mister nice guy mode. Hey, I've had all these girls come at me within a week and I was ambushed so that is my weak excuse. I'm telling you, I'm coming out of it starting today!

I have caught myself agreeing too much within this last couple of weekends and it messes up your game.

Don't get me wrong, last night was still great. Than again, I didn't approach any girls but had 3 different girls approach us which made the night interesting.

Back to agreeing or disagreeing. You need to disagree as much as possible. Disputes and having a strong identity is attractive. This works both ways. I also happen to find attractive when girls disagree with me. Have you had a conversation where a girl seems to agree to most of what you're saying. So it might be a universal agreement but the conversation doesn't go any where!

If you find yourself agreeing to most of what she has to say, maybe because you guys actually have them in common, just pick a topic and disagree just to disagree. If you get her to changer her mind than she has complied to you which gives you the leverage.

Quit agreeing so damn much. Yes I'm talking to you too logan:)

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Being a Mister Nice Guy. Stop It!!!!!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Before you even start to understand women and go out there in the field to find them, understand and drill this into your head that being a nice guy is the worst thing to do in this world. Women are not attracted to 'Nice Guys'! This is different from being a gentlemen.

A gentlemen will guide the woman to walk on the sidewalk away from the road. A gentlemen will open doors. Those subtle chivalries are still a big actions that all women still appreciates but it's also has to be done in a proper way meaning be cool about it.

I haven't written in a couple of weeks and my homie, Mafia and I have been out in the field, sarging like a motha fuck. Using opinion openers have worked with most but I have been called out couple of times that this must be a VH1 show and there must be cameras everywhere. I got out of it by saying, 'you lost me' but it's a bit discouraging. The one that has been working the best is having the frame.

Let me explain what having a frame means for those who are starting out in the dating world. It's about having a strong persona. It's about you having confidence and control of the whole situation. Can you imagine a bar owner coming over to your group with a strong, confident attitude and asking all you guys if you are having a great time and to come and see him if you need anything. You'll automatically look up to him and he has the control.

If you have a strong frame, you can get away with saying almost anything and people will respond.

Here's my method of having a strong frame. This is what you might have to do to gain your own strong frame. Before approaching any kinds of people, tell yourself they all want to fuck you and be your friends. You are the shit! You are confident and you really don't care what they think about you. They should be more worried about what you think of them.

So with this mentality, I go into the group of people and simply say, you guys seem like bunch of cool people. What's going on?

Honestly, I have approached with the dumbest lines like 'have a cool unique hairstyle' and openened up a whole mess of people. At a time where the Pick Up Artist is going to season 2 and the book, Game, is being made into a movie, we are fucked from using those damn amazing techniques. Don't get me wrong, they should always be used but you really have to create your own pattern and techniques out of it.

Okay, back to the topic, Stop Being a Mister Nice Guy, nice guy attitude is a big turn off. I have tried being 'nice' to a girl who really liked me and although we have dated and kissed many times, there was no sexual progression. I was cocky and made her feel that I didn't care about her, I would have sex with the girl the same night. WTF?! I have to admit, I do hate how this works the way it does but that's just the way it is.

Nice guys are another word for pussies. I was a nice guy for most of my life and yes, I admit that I was a pussy.

Stop buying things for her to win her love. Stop agreeing to whatever she has to say because you want her to approve you. Nice guys have the tendencies to be 'creepy' because their timing is all off. Early on the date the nice guy will buy her flowers and small gifts. Quit complying to her demands. Girls will always test you. When you finally pull cockyness, without having to be an asshole btw, then the girl will usually say, 'you are pretty cocky aren't you'. Quit being a pussy and respond with
'No, I'm really a nice guy' instead say something like 'I'm glad you noticed, Thanks'. Don't agree with her opinions and instead argue with her because you have a strong opinion about your own beliefs.

Tease her in a fun way. One of my favorite is I would go up to the girl, during attraction phase and go up to her face and tell her 'You and I, at the park, right now, we're going to throw down because I hate you right now'. How crazy and fun is that.

Let the girl understand that if she puts her guard down for a second, you two will be fucking! Women knows that a 'Nice Guy' will get all caught into the relationship after the first night of fucking and call constantly and will be available anytime. You need to be the guy who tells her you can't see her that day she's available but you'll figure something out later. Flip the script! Be a man! Don't be a wuss!

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Decoding Women's Mind

Here is a little joke and yet so damn true piece that a friend of mine emailed me today.

>> * 40-ish................................49.
>> * Adventurous...........................Slept with everyone.
>> * Athletic..............................No breasts.
>> * Average looking.......................Moooo.
>> * Beautiful.............................Pathological liar.
>> * Emotionally Secure....................On medication.
>> * Feminist..............................Fat.
>> * Free Spirit...........................Junkie.
>> * Friendship first......................Former Slut.
>> * New-Age...............................Body hair in the wrong places.
>> * Old-fashioned.........................No B.J.'s
>> * Open-minded...........................Desperate.
>> * Outgoing..............................Loud and embarrassing.
>> * Professional..........................Bitch.
>> * Voluptuous............................Very fat.
>> * Large frame...........................Hugely fat.
>> * Wants soul mate.......................Stalker.
>> * Yes...................................No
>> * No....................................Yes
>> * Maybe.................................No
>> * We need...............................I want
>> * I am sorry............................You'll be sorry
>> * We need to talk.......................You're in trouble
>> * Sure, go ahead........................You better not
>> * Do what you want......................You will pay for this later
>> * I am not upset........................Of course, I am upset, you moron!
>> * You're attentive tonight..............Is sex all you ever think about?

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Loving Women. Problem?

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Okay, so I think I have a problem. I love women too much. I always have. Ever since I can remember from when I was 4, I always wanted to be with a girl. While my brother was hanging out with bunch of little boys causing trouble, I always wanted to split my time with the boys and girls. I remember going over to girls house, knocking on the door and asking if she can come out and play. Don't get me wrong, I have a strong handful of great homies and they'll be my brotha's for life but I always had to balance my life out with the same amount of girls in my life. So I do have girls who are actually real close to me. I have no intentions on having sex with all of them. I legitimately consider them close friends. One requirement, they have to be attractive to me to pass as a 'bff'. It must go back to psychology of my mother.

Anyways, moving onto my whole love thing. Yes, I am still in 'love' with Meli but I have been seeing other people this past couple of weeks. I couldn't stand how much I feel for this girl. She's on my mind when I'm working, sleeping and the first thing that comes to mind when I wake up! I am fucking obsessed with this one. I've had 2 other girls in my life who I felt this way towards and believe me, that's super rare. Out of hundreds of girls I've dated, only 2! Well, Meli is my third.

She just happen to break up with her unhealthy relationship of 1 year so I need to give her time to heal. So I told her that I am moving on and will date other people while we work on our friendship.

I needed to do something. I don't like the way I feel when I am in 'love'. It's uncontrollable but inspiring. It opens up other emotions such as jealousy, concerns, anxiety and other emotions I can't stand and don't normally feel. So I am taking steps to get a control of this emotion.

Step 1: Writing a letter to her telling her that I am moving on and that we should focus on being friends first. She calls me back and tells me how she would love to date a 'bff' since she has only had damaged relationship from getting into relationships with just guys that she meets.

Is this bullshit? I had a conversation with another girl the other night and she told me that she would love that more than anything else. Maybe it's true, I'll find out.

Step 2: Put a rubber band around my wrist and snapping it every time I think of her. This is a very popular psychology method anytime you start to feel emotionally weak. Instead of sitting there for long minutes and dwelling on the bad emotion, just snap the rubber

Step 3: Dating other girls. I've actually went on 3 different dates with the nights ending well but I still think about Meli. WTF?! I even thought about her while I was hooking up with one of them.

I had a conversation with others and all the poeple seems to be in love with 1 person who just drives them crazy. Maybe it's love but either way it creates heavy emotions such as jealousy, anxiety, missing her, anger and all that bullshit.

I don't know if this techniques will work but it's been making me feel alot better and allow myself to not dwell on Meli so much.

And yes, I hooked up with handful of girls this week. I don't know what happened but they all called me! Don't get me wrong, I treat all of them with the highest respect and always make them feel good about themselves. I'm almost like a male escort without the pay. It's fun and healthy so why not.

I had one girl, Eri, come visit san diego from her home town so we went out to a club, met up with some friends, danced and had a great time. I haven't seen her in almost 6 years and she still looked good after 2 kids. Eri, kept telling me and my friend that we must do good as single guys. I told her we only hang out with each other and don't like talking to other girls. Haha, I said it as a joke and she got it.

Pick Up Technique: My homie tells me to go talk to the 4 girls that were sitting nearby and Eri wanted to see what I can do. I go up to the girls and ask an opinionated question. I then instantly point to my female friend and homie to let them know that we were just talking about that subject. I do this so they know that I'm not a creep and that I have cool people I can always kick it with. This allows them to throw down their guards pretty fast. The cute one is married and tells me that she doesn't go out much so I tease her by saying that she is the boring one out of the group.

Make sure you are talking in a friendly way because you can sound like an asshole with the wrong tone.

One of them showed me high interest so I started teasing her saying she's the trouble maker and we can't be friends because she loves to drink and cause trouble.

I quickly found the one that is the leader of the pact and I instantly became friends with her by saying how cool she is and giving her a high five.

I encouraged the 4th girl that was a bit on the shy side by bringing her into the conversation.

They all asked for my name. I don't introduce myself because it's one major sign of interest when they ask for it. I tell them, I shouldn't tell them because they can't pronounce it or remember it. They said they'll try and after telling them my name, they actually were proud that they can pronounce it and remember it. I excuse myself so I can go back to my friends. The one that showed me interest yells back at me saying that she couldn't remember my name but I just smile and go back.

I bring Eri back to my place and we just fool around. It'was nice.

Two nights later, my old apartment manager's daughter calls me and wants to bring her girlfriend to dance and drink at my place. I invite them and it was fun. Both were cute and had this lesbian tendency. There was music, dancing and drinking. The other girl went home early because she had responsibilities but the other girl stayed and we had a little fun.

I go visit my friend up north the next 2 days later and spend the night over having good conversation and enjoying life.

I know if oneday, 1 of my female friends finds this, they're going to chew my ass a new hole. I just think it'll make a good story.

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