Bringing back 4 girls and being slapped in the face!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

It's been a while since I wrote but let me tell you, it's been crazy in the girl world. It's gotten to a point where I'll just get numbers and not do anything. Once you get used to getting numbers all the time, it's got no value anymore and it's not that fun so I started getting a bit pickier now.

For one thing, the girl I like the most, Mel, has two other boys in her life. I can't hate. She's a 10 and very friendly. I'm lucky she doesn't have them by the hundreds. Anyways, the 2nd boy ended up stabbing the 3rd boy in the face and the police is looking for him. Crazy, I don't mind winning her over the other guys but not by death elimination. Haha. Funny but crazy. So in the meantime, I'm staying away for a while until it all cools off.

Let me tell you about the most fucked up evening I've had. this last weekend. Let me start by saying I felt like a dolphin reaching for the big yummy fish off the trainers hand and just before I reach it, the trainer slaps me across the face with it and say 'got you bitch!'.

I roll out in LA with two of my other homies and made plans to bring girls back with us. The plan was set. We go to a club, Social, and I start a small conversation with 4 girls behind us. That was it. We walk in and 'Cherry' (i think that was her name) gives mad IOI's to my homie. Cherry is Punky Brewster's best friend back in the old school tv show. He talks to her and it's all good.

I felt so good that night. We had girls just giving us that look. Anyways, those four girls from the outside kept coming by us and talking to us, telling us to save them from the guys who are buying them drinks. We told them to hook us upw ith drinks from those guys. They wanted to bounce so we took off with them and convinced them to come back to the pad with us. They were hesitant but we built enough attraction to get them hooked. They were pretty damn cute and we were pretty happy with the outcome.

We had one of our boy go with them to their car so we can meet them next to it. We got to our car first and while we were waiting for them outside, I over heard this latina say how cute I was from the distance. I told her I heard it and to come over. Her two other girlfriends also mentioned how good looking i was in front of me. Man, I felt so damn cocky after that. She told me get her number and I grabbed her by the chin and gave her a kiss and let her go. Haha. I acted like I was the shit.

Anyways, the girls follow us through heavy traffic and we finally get back to the pad. Everybody was drinking and there was alot of kino touching. Just when things were about to go down, my friends female roommate shows up and yells at us that we are too loud. She was cock blocking. She apparently brough her girlfriends and got upset when we already brought our own little girlfriends. Needless to say, she cussed out one of our girls and I walked them to their car while she was crying. Us boys were so devastated. This was going to be so awesome and we just got slapped on the face.

The energy was so fucked up that we just couldn't enjoy ourselves with the roommates girlfriends. It was over. Our mojo was destroyed. Oh well. It was fun while it lasted.

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To Agree or to Disagree.

Sunday, August 31, 2008

To agree or to disagree. I say, try to disagree as much as possible. Ever since my oneitis, I keep catching myself agreeing more to what a girl has to say. This past week, I have been on dates and talking to girls at clubs and I have been agreeing to all their bullshit. My last date, Kel and I went to an awesome concert, had an amazing time, great vibe and all but towards the end she talked about her ex and her old feelings of sadness started to emerge. This is the 5th girl that's in my life that's dwelling on their ex boyfriends. Yes, my oneitis is also dwelling on her ex and has gone back to him as well.

This has brought my level back a notch. It's like how super mario gets hit by the crawling owl and shrinks to his tiny self. That's me right now. I used to be on top of my game and life just last month. Now I have girls bitching about their ex to me left and right.

This is the original mister nice guy coming out of me, probably to try to win their approval since I am being bombarded with ex issues. OMG! Just last night, we were kicking it at a friends house after a great night of sarging and the cool girl we were kicking it with were talking about how this guy that she was into dumped her for his ex.

I have made a decision that I am not going to tlerate ano more of this consoling when we barely know each other. It just brings me down. It makes me agree to all their issues.

I just realized this last night when the girl said 'I got over him in a month' then my homeboy Mafia said 'I don't get over it that quickly' while my sad ass said 'it's very strong of you to be like that'!

Right after that, I just caught myself coming back down into mister nice guy mode. Hey, I've had all these girls come at me within a week and I was ambushed so that is my weak excuse. I'm telling you, I'm coming out of it starting today!

I have caught myself agreeing too much within this last couple of weekends and it messes up your game.

Don't get me wrong, last night was still great. Than again, I didn't approach any girls but had 3 different girls approach us which made the night interesting.

Back to agreeing or disagreeing. You need to disagree as much as possible. Disputes and having a strong identity is attractive. This works both ways. I also happen to find attractive when girls disagree with me. Have you had a conversation where a girl seems to agree to most of what you're saying. So it might be a universal agreement but the conversation doesn't go any where!

If you find yourself agreeing to most of what she has to say, maybe because you guys actually have them in common, just pick a topic and disagree just to disagree. If you get her to changer her mind than she has complied to you which gives you the leverage.

Quit agreeing so damn much. Yes I'm talking to you too logan:)

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Being a Mister Nice Guy. Stop It!!!!!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Before you even start to understand women and go out there in the field to find them, understand and drill this into your head that being a nice guy is the worst thing to do in this world. Women are not attracted to 'Nice Guys'! This is different from being a gentlemen.

A gentlemen will guide the woman to walk on the sidewalk away from the road. A gentlemen will open doors. Those subtle chivalries are still a big actions that all women still appreciates but it's also has to be done in a proper way meaning be cool about it.

I haven't written in a couple of weeks and my homie, Mafia and I have been out in the field, sarging like a motha fuck. Using opinion openers have worked with most but I have been called out couple of times that this must be a VH1 show and there must be cameras everywhere. I got out of it by saying, 'you lost me' but it's a bit discouraging. The one that has been working the best is having the frame.

Let me explain what having a frame means for those who are starting out in the dating world. It's about having a strong persona. It's about you having confidence and control of the whole situation. Can you imagine a bar owner coming over to your group with a strong, confident attitude and asking all you guys if you are having a great time and to come and see him if you need anything. You'll automatically look up to him and he has the control.

If you have a strong frame, you can get away with saying almost anything and people will respond.

Here's my method of having a strong frame. This is what you might have to do to gain your own strong frame. Before approaching any kinds of people, tell yourself they all want to fuck you and be your friends. You are the shit! You are confident and you really don't care what they think about you. They should be more worried about what you think of them.

So with this mentality, I go into the group of people and simply say, you guys seem like bunch of cool people. What's going on?

Honestly, I have approached with the dumbest lines like 'have a cool unique hairstyle' and openened up a whole mess of people. At a time where the Pick Up Artist is going to season 2 and the book, Game, is being made into a movie, we are fucked from using those damn amazing techniques. Don't get me wrong, they should always be used but you really have to create your own pattern and techniques out of it.

Okay, back to the topic, Stop Being a Mister Nice Guy, nice guy attitude is a big turn off. I have tried being 'nice' to a girl who really liked me and although we have dated and kissed many times, there was no sexual progression. I was cocky and made her feel that I didn't care about her, I would have sex with the girl the same night. WTF?! I have to admit, I do hate how this works the way it does but that's just the way it is.

Nice guys are another word for pussies. I was a nice guy for most of my life and yes, I admit that I was a pussy.

Stop buying things for her to win her love. Stop agreeing to whatever she has to say because you want her to approve you. Nice guys have the tendencies to be 'creepy' because their timing is all off. Early on the date the nice guy will buy her flowers and small gifts. Quit complying to her demands. Girls will always test you. When you finally pull cockyness, without having to be an asshole btw, then the girl will usually say, 'you are pretty cocky aren't you'. Quit being a pussy and respond with
'No, I'm really a nice guy' instead say something like 'I'm glad you noticed, Thanks'. Don't agree with her opinions and instead argue with her because you have a strong opinion about your own beliefs.

Tease her in a fun way. One of my favorite is I would go up to the girl, during attraction phase and go up to her face and tell her 'You and I, at the park, right now, we're going to throw down because I hate you right now'. How crazy and fun is that.

Let the girl understand that if she puts her guard down for a second, you two will be fucking! Women knows that a 'Nice Guy' will get all caught into the relationship after the first night of fucking and call constantly and will be available anytime. You need to be the guy who tells her you can't see her that day she's available but you'll figure something out later. Flip the script! Be a man! Don't be a wuss!

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Decoding Women's Mind

Here is a little joke and yet so damn true piece that a friend of mine emailed me today.

>> * 40-ish................................49.
>> * Adventurous...........................Slept with everyone.
>> * Athletic..............................No breasts.
>> * Average looking.......................Moooo.
>> * Beautiful.............................Pathological liar.
>> * Emotionally Secure....................On medication.
>> * Feminist..............................Fat.
>> * Free Spirit...........................Junkie.
>> * Friendship first......................Former Slut.
>> * New-Age...............................Body hair in the wrong places.
>> * Old-fashioned.........................No B.J.'s
>> * Open-minded...........................Desperate.
>> * Outgoing..............................Loud and embarrassing.
>> * Professional..........................Bitch.
>> * Voluptuous............................Very fat.
>> * Large frame...........................Hugely fat.
>> * Wants soul mate.......................Stalker.
>> * Yes...................................No
>> * No....................................Yes
>> * Maybe.................................No
>> * We need...............................I want
>> * I am sorry............................You'll be sorry
>> * We need to talk.......................You're in trouble
>> * Sure, go ahead........................You better not
>> * Do what you want......................You will pay for this later
>> * I am not upset........................Of course, I am upset, you moron!
>> * You're attentive tonight..............Is sex all you ever think about?

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Loving Women. Problem?

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Okay, so I think I have a problem. I love women too much. I always have. Ever since I can remember from when I was 4, I always wanted to be with a girl. While my brother was hanging out with bunch of little boys causing trouble, I always wanted to split my time with the boys and girls. I remember going over to girls house, knocking on the door and asking if she can come out and play. Don't get me wrong, I have a strong handful of great homies and they'll be my brotha's for life but I always had to balance my life out with the same amount of girls in my life. So I do have girls who are actually real close to me. I have no intentions on having sex with all of them. I legitimately consider them close friends. One requirement, they have to be attractive to me to pass as a 'bff'. It must go back to psychology of my mother.

Anyways, moving onto my whole love thing. Yes, I am still in 'love' with Meli but I have been seeing other people this past couple of weeks. I couldn't stand how much I feel for this girl. She's on my mind when I'm working, sleeping and the first thing that comes to mind when I wake up! I am fucking obsessed with this one. I've had 2 other girls in my life who I felt this way towards and believe me, that's super rare. Out of hundreds of girls I've dated, only 2! Well, Meli is my third.

She just happen to break up with her unhealthy relationship of 1 year so I need to give her time to heal. So I told her that I am moving on and will date other people while we work on our friendship.

I needed to do something. I don't like the way I feel when I am in 'love'. It's uncontrollable but inspiring. It opens up other emotions such as jealousy, concerns, anxiety and other emotions I can't stand and don't normally feel. So I am taking steps to get a control of this emotion.

Step 1: Writing a letter to her telling her that I am moving on and that we should focus on being friends first. She calls me back and tells me how she would love to date a 'bff' since she has only had damaged relationship from getting into relationships with just guys that she meets.

Is this bullshit? I had a conversation with another girl the other night and she told me that she would love that more than anything else. Maybe it's true, I'll find out.

Step 2: Put a rubber band around my wrist and snapping it every time I think of her. This is a very popular psychology method anytime you start to feel emotionally weak. Instead of sitting there for long minutes and dwelling on the bad emotion, just snap the rubber

Step 3: Dating other girls. I've actually went on 3 different dates with the nights ending well but I still think about Meli. WTF?! I even thought about her while I was hooking up with one of them.

I had a conversation with others and all the poeple seems to be in love with 1 person who just drives them crazy. Maybe it's love but either way it creates heavy emotions such as jealousy, anxiety, missing her, anger and all that bullshit.

I don't know if this techniques will work but it's been making me feel alot better and allow myself to not dwell on Meli so much.

And yes, I hooked up with handful of girls this week. I don't know what happened but they all called me! Don't get me wrong, I treat all of them with the highest respect and always make them feel good about themselves. I'm almost like a male escort without the pay. It's fun and healthy so why not.

I had one girl, Eri, come visit san diego from her home town so we went out to a club, met up with some friends, danced and had a great time. I haven't seen her in almost 6 years and she still looked good after 2 kids. Eri, kept telling me and my friend that we must do good as single guys. I told her we only hang out with each other and don't like talking to other girls. Haha, I said it as a joke and she got it.

Pick Up Technique: My homie tells me to go talk to the 4 girls that were sitting nearby and Eri wanted to see what I can do. I go up to the girls and ask an opinionated question. I then instantly point to my female friend and homie to let them know that we were just talking about that subject. I do this so they know that I'm not a creep and that I have cool people I can always kick it with. This allows them to throw down their guards pretty fast. The cute one is married and tells me that she doesn't go out much so I tease her by saying that she is the boring one out of the group.

Make sure you are talking in a friendly way because you can sound like an asshole with the wrong tone.

One of them showed me high interest so I started teasing her saying she's the trouble maker and we can't be friends because she loves to drink and cause trouble.

I quickly found the one that is the leader of the pact and I instantly became friends with her by saying how cool she is and giving her a high five.

I encouraged the 4th girl that was a bit on the shy side by bringing her into the conversation.

They all asked for my name. I don't introduce myself because it's one major sign of interest when they ask for it. I tell them, I shouldn't tell them because they can't pronounce it or remember it. They said they'll try and after telling them my name, they actually were proud that they can pronounce it and remember it. I excuse myself so I can go back to my friends. The one that showed me interest yells back at me saying that she couldn't remember my name but I just smile and go back.

I bring Eri back to my place and we just fool around. It'was nice.

Two nights later, my old apartment manager's daughter calls me and wants to bring her girlfriend to dance and drink at my place. I invite them and it was fun. Both were cute and had this lesbian tendency. There was music, dancing and drinking. The other girl went home early because she had responsibilities but the other girl stayed and we had a little fun.

I go visit my friend up north the next 2 days later and spend the night over having good conversation and enjoying life.

I know if oneday, 1 of my female friends finds this, they're going to chew my ass a new hole. I just think it'll make a good story.

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I am in LOVE! or is it?

Saturday, July 19, 2008

I am in love! I don't really know if it's really love or not but I do know that I am overwhelmed with emotions when I am around this girl.

All this going out with girls, sarging and closing them is ultimately to find that 1 who blows you away. I went through many dates and it was all a game, like a chess game. They all respond the same and ultimately it was just for fun. Of course I never went out to hurt the girls and I never told them lies to make them sleep with me. I acted like an asshole but I wasn't an asshole if that makes any sense. Let's just say that if you're single than shit, be fucking amazing at being single.

Most guys don't understand women and no, I'm not saying that I'm a 'mister know it all' but I understand them more than others I've known. I have a degree in psychology, not that it really helped but it's a passion of mine to understand human behaviors.

Now saying that, there are still things that i can't understand, like love. Is it Chemistry imbalance? Is it getting what you finally wanted? Is it massive physical attraction? I can't understand it but I'm in it right now.

I have been with this 1 girl Meli for a whole week spending every night together. I have met her a year ago at a little bar but she had a boyfriend at the time so although she gave me her number, she was a good girl not to do anything with me. Yes, girls with boyfriends gives me their number from time to time. How can they not when my game is that tight:)

So 1 night she texts me a midnight and asks me to come over with a bottle of wine but she told me I had to behave. It was a fun sunday night. We laughed, joked and talked about deep things in life. We cuddles and went straight to bed, which was fucking hard in my part but still manageable.

First off, I'm not all about fucking. Quit being so typical and try to fuck all the time. There's too much risk just fucking around. Pregnancy, disease, emotional bullshit from the girls. I've come to a point where just knowing that I can have her gives me that mental satisfaction. As a matter of fact, last month, I was in bed with this beautiful tall blond with an amazing body but I told her last minute that I don't want to fuck her just yet, I wanted to get to know her a bit more to see what she's all about. Well, we still talk here and there but I can see nothing is gonna happen. There really wasn't any real spark anyways. Call me crazy but with this self confidence that I have, I want more about of a girl than just pussy rubbing my dick.

Haha, okay so back to Meli. So the next day, monday, comes around and I ask her what she's doing and she invites me over. I have spent the earlier hours looking at her myspace and found a poem that she wrote 3 years ago. She said she wanted to make it into a song oneday. Well I love my guitar and luckily I can sing so I make her poem into a song. It just came to me. I come over and I sing her the song. She tells me how much she loves my voice and how amazing the song was. Since it was really late by the time I get to her house we have a short conversation and we fall asleep again cuddling. I'm telling, yes I wanted her but Just having her in my arms was so amazing. You ever had a girl you had a crush so badly, you knew you liked her and yet you really don't know why. Meli is a 10. She's beautiful, fun, deep and just a good person.

Tuesday, I suggest we go to Pacific Beach bar and meet up with my couple friend. So four of us hang out, drinking each of us buying 4 ronds of shot each and just have a blast. We dance, joke and laugh all night. I would pull her to the dance floor and we would flirt and have this little role playing act while dancing. it was so cute and people were getting out of our way, making room for us to dance. Awesome.

Wednesday comes and I come over at night and get her ass to put some clothes on so i can take her to get some frozen yogurt at my uncles cool little cafe. We hang, mingle with my uncle and go back home and once again just sleep cuddling.

Thursday. I pick her up with my roomate Jess and we go to downtown to meet my homie Elji who drives us in his new mercedes:) He brings a girl he met last week to hang out with us. Shit the night was so fucking fun. We first go to this club called Minus 1 and meet up with my other homie and just mingle around. The place sucked. No one was dancing any the vibe was a bit stuck up for my taste. I recommend that we roll out and we head to Ivy. The line was not moving at all but luckily my homie knew the bouncer so we got in without waiting in line. This is the first time going to Ivy and when we walked in, the club looked a bit dead for the long ass line. Meli, walks us to the bottom floor and it is big and packed and everybody was dancing. The vibe was great but the alchol tab was ridiculously high. We all must've spent at least a 100 bucks. Our energy was so high. Meli was so great. She talked with all my friends and they all loved her. I played a little game with her. She leaves to the restroom and I go over to a blond nearby to start a conversation with her. When Meli comes back, she interrupts us without knowing, than my roommate as a joke calls her a cock block. She got all defensive and I loved it. I just walk away from the blond and I go to Meli to comfort her but she isn't having it. This energy got me to get real close to her and open up to her in the middle of a loud club and we start to bond and talk about our emotions. I thought it was great. Who does that at a club? However, the timing was great. I go home with her and we make out and get a little groovy. As I was about to go inside her, she tells me no. She says it twice so I get off and we just cuddled. I'm sure we could've had sex that night because we were both so in the mood but I really want our first night to be perfect. I'm not talking about dinner, candle lights and incense. I'm talking about a dim light so I can at least see. I'm talking about spending my time kissing her, licking and eating her than having a great sober but high in chemistry sex. I would hate for our first time to be a drunk sex although it would've still been great. that's just how much I like this girl.

I have been single for 3 years and have gone on many dates and there is nothing like this. I have felt this maybe when i was in high school, when I was in love for the first time. I didn't think it was possible to go through it again. I have been in great realtionships in the past that lasted for many years and yes, it was wonderful. Hanging out with Meli has been just 'perfect'.

Friday was great. We wake up together and go and get some asian breakfast. I take her home so she can work for couple hours while I run some errands. We meet up again and go to the beach. We just lied around talking about sex and life and she tells me she never had any guy she can open up like this. I don't get jealous and I am always curious to hear about other people's lives. We head home, take a nap together and I find a randome little steakhose, a hole in the wall with a piano player. It was so sweet. The steak was good and we get some wine. Meli wanted to give her business card to our waitress since Meli was a hair stylist (and a model) and our waitress had a cool hair cut. Meli gets shy and she decideds not to do it. I tell her,m this is the plan. I'm going to stike a conversation with her about her tattoo and Meli is going to tell her she has an awesome hair style and that she would love to work on it. The waitress comes by again and out plan works smoothly. Something small like that allowed us to sync in a same wave pattern you know what I mean? She could've not said anything because she was shy but she was a team mmeber and the plan was executed smoothly. That little event made us a team. I tease her and tell her she's Robin and I'm Batman and we can be a dynamic duo.

The whole time, we have fun together because the chemistry and the attraction is equal. I tease her and she teases back. Whatever I throw at her, she catches it well and throws it right back. She can keep up with me and plus more.

You know what makes me like her the most? The person I become when I am with her. I am confident. I am very social. I look at life in the most positive way. I even stopped smoking because she doesn't like it. I don't like it anymore and really couldn't care for it. I actually finished a song that she wrote and have a friend who's a music producer who told me he will produce it for me. I have always wanted to make at least 1 song and have never been inspired to do so and now it's happening. Did I also mention she is fucking beautiful? She kinda looks like Kate Beckinsale but sexier. Shit, I'm a lucky ass bastard.

I deserve it though:) I am so curious what's going to happen. I don't know and I don't want to try to make anything happen. We've been going with the flow and it's been fucking be continued.

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This world is too small.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

I haven't written in a while. I've been busy with my normal life as a photographer, which is an awesome tool to meet beautiful women. However, that's not the reason why I'm a photographer, it's just my passion besides learning and understanding beautiful women.

Check this story out. I went to Guam for a photography gig and went to a strip joint one night by myself just to drink couple beers and go home. I'm from Guam and haven't been back in 9 years so it was an awesome visit for me. I got to see families and old friends.

Anyways, back to the strip joint, I noticed a very cute blond working there. She came over, we talked, always making sure I'm not interested, although obviously us men are always interested. The waitress came by and asked if I wanted to buy her a drink. I told her I should donate to her cause and support her so I got her the drink. We talked, and bonded and let her go. She went up to dance and I stayed back. She waved me over to come over so I came over, tipped her and told her I didn't need her to do anything to me, than I walked back. She came straight back to me after she danced and we hung out some more, got a lap dance and made out with her. The bouncer was cool enough to close the door and give me more time since he saw what was going on. One of my skills is my social skills. I talk to everybody and people generally like to be nice to me since I show my Alpha side but in a friendly and inspirational way.

I took her home with me the next night.

Anyways, I go back to San Diego and a week later I'm partying up top of the Ivy, VIP access. I look to my right and I see a blond staring. I feel a bit uneasy since the stare was pretty damn hard for my taste but I look back and recognize that it was the girl that I met in Guam! WTF?! What are the chances. She was just stopping by before going back home to San Francisco. We hang out a bit and she went her own ways after.

This world is way too small. I don't know if I mentioned it but 1 girl found my blog and knew I was talking about her and got mad at me. She told me I should've asked her but really, could I really ask and get away with it? So I just deleted that part of my blog. I hate the fact that I love women so much that I spend time to getting to understand them. i think it's key to having a lasting relationship which is my ultimate goal.

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Falling in LOVE

Sunday, June 8, 2008

I finally found one girl that I can see myself getting into a serious relationship with. This is one girl that I can't play my games with because I lose control and act like a mister nice guy.

First off, I am naturally a nice guy. Like most guys, I instinctively do the wrong thing such as buying them small gifts and do things for them more than they do things for us.

I have heard many guys, including myself in the past, say that we give so much but hardly get anything in return. We naturally want to buy them things, agree with them in many conversations just to be in her good side and basically putting them on a pedestal.

Women don't care too much about being smothered. There is a time and place for that and the timing is very important. For some reason, us guys think that it's a great way to impress her and win her heart. Who or what made us men so bad at understanding women and not giving them what they really want. It's not being treated like a princess.

FYI: This rule doesn't apply after sex. After a sexual relationship is established than it becomes a all new ball game. Smothering and pampering helps with the relationship but at an unexpected time.

I like to summarize it in one sentence. Women needs their emotions to be pleased! Some women don't think it but it's true. They want excitement in their relationships not just a boring, easy, controllable boyfriend. They need to feel jealous, love, teased, pampered, secured, taken care of, most emotions you can find in the dictionary. Reason why, as sad as it may sound, is that most beautiful girls are with bad boys who seems to treat them like shit because most other guys kiss ass and is too damn nice and predictable. Being nice all the time never works so get that out of your head. Sometimes when the girl is less attractive than your level of attractiveness, let's say she's a 6 and you might consider yourself an 8, being nice can work because she wants you for your looks.

Crazy, I know.

Anyways, back to my main story. So I like this girl in a deeper level. I have talked to her for 7 months, on and off, slowest progression I have ever experienced. It's so different from all other girls I've met. It's almost like she's the pick up artist. She's so fucking cool. She knows how to play hard to get and yet still give me this small response to get me to come back. I can tell she really likes but but still keeps me on the edge. If I don't reply in couple of weeks, she'll leave a small myspace comment that gets me back. She can easily find dates and all kinds of guys goes after her. At clubs for eample, if I leave her alone for a minute, some dude is on her instantly. You get the idea.

Lets just say I haven't found anything I didn't like about her. I'm very picky. How is that possible?

Let me tell you what happened just last two nights.

It's friday night and I'm off to meet her (I'm going to call her Cha, which I have also written about her in earlier blog entries) and other friends at the Prospect Club in La Jolla, California. The girl who is promoting asked me to come and join them at their table so how can I turn down free entry, free drinks and beautiful people. The club is amazing. Most of the people were attractive and well dressed. I surprise Cha and friends by meeting them there without telling them. Cha tells me she's happy that I'm there.

There is another girl there that is within the circle of friends named Bon. She's an acquaintance with Cha but had slept with her ex couple of weeks ago so they are in this unfriendly battle. I happen top be friends with both of them and both of them happen to like me as well. How the hell did I get myself in the middle like this? However, I really have feelings for Cha but have just a friendly feelings for Bon.

Bon gets all over me, tries to kiss me and hug me and basically cling onto me. I don't want to participate int hat activity. I know Bon has become very aggressive since Cha was there and knew what was up.

Girls can be so damn competitive with each other. That's a hard fact. I'm sorry to say but I used that to my advantage. When Cha saw me talking to Bon, she became sour and when Bon saw me talking to Cha, Bon became more aggressive. It was so entertaining to experience this.

Thanks to our promoter friend, all of us got pretty drunk. I got a chance to kiss Cha and man it was sweet.

This continued on to the next night when I went out with Cha and couple of other friends to downtown. We headed to Stingeree kinda late and the line was super long. Just as we were about to leave, Bon and her group of girl friends shows up and they had us on the list to get in but still had problems letting the guys in. Just then our other acquaintance, who happen to have a VIP table walks by and tells me and my other homie to come inside with him. Let me tell you, that felt pretty damn good to be walking in VIP style in front of all this other people who are stuck at the line.

Competition between Cha and Bon was still pretty fierce and I played it to my advantage. All the guys I was with were pretty impressed to watch couple of hot girls fight for me like that. Cha, however kept it cool, just the way I like it. In the end, I just ditched out to more secluded area in the club with Cha alone and hung out with her most of the time.

It was 2am so we went to my friends house to crash, since I live in LA now and we were partying in San Diego, but my other groups of friends were in the house just chilling. We decided to get adventurous and headed out to look for an after party. Some random promoter on the street gave us this dinky flyer and told us to check it out. The location was pretty suspicious and they were serving alcohol til 8 in the morning. It was a rave so we got high, danced til 7am and went home with Cha and had the best massage and conversation I've had in many years with a woman.

I didn't want to crowd this story with the details but it was an amazing weekend. With friends like this and a place like San Diego, single life can be so damn addictive and great. You just have to play your cards right. I have til August to party it up before heading to Guam, my home town. I better make the best of it.

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Saddle Ranch PUA experience

Friday, June 6, 2008

I finally got a chance to go to the infamous Saddle Ranch in Los Angeles to see what the hype was all about. This is the place where Mystery and other pick up artist do their live seminars at. My friend and I went in and noticed that there were no dance floors and there is a mechanical bull in the middle of the bar. It was a Thursday night so I guess it meant that it wasn't too busy. I was keeping my eyes out for peacocking guys that were pick up artists but didn't find any that stood out.

I get a phone call from a female friend of mine for a booty call but I tell her I'm already out with my friend and tell her I thought she was so sweet to call me this late for some nastiness.

We looked around and decided to drink just one beer for the night. I wasn't really in the mood to get all crazy tonight but I noticed 2 cute hispanic girls sitting by the bar. I also noticed 2 cute white girls by the bar as well and noticed them checking us out so we decided that we shouldn't approach them first. We should have them see us talking to other people before we approach them so that they won't think we're after their jewels:)

I went over the the cute Hispanic girls and asked them where I can find a better bar to go to since the Saddle Ranch was so dead.

Always remember to approach with confidence and talk slow but firmly.

The Mystery openers are kinda rough to go with since it's so damn main stream and so many girls have watched the pick up artist show on VH1. I already had a handful of girls ask me if I got my approaches from that show which usually ends up me just walking away from the conversation since their guard goes up so damn high. Don't get me wrong, Mystery's stuff is still top notch.

Anyways, the cute one of the left gave me the stink eye and a cold shoulder. I was still in control since I came in with a cool body language that shows that I'm not really interested and I personally don't get intimidated that easily.

I said: Do you sense something bad from me? I'm really not trying to get your number or take you home with me. I really want to know a cool place to hang besides this place.
Cute girl replys: I'm just cautious of player kinda guys.

I loved it. I love it when girls tells me I'm a player just from meeting me for the first time. Doesn't most girl want a player than a shy, boring guy? What a compliment.

I tell her: You're lucky then because I'm not interested.

It was on since then. I get my homie into the conversations and we all have great time. We're all laughing and joking and teasing. I never give her a straight answer. She asks me what nationality I am and I tell her I'm Puerto Rican (I'm Korean). She teases me and I tease her back. I tell her I hate her since she's so mean and that we can never date because she'll just make me cry. She tells me she wants to marry me though.

She asks what kind of bar we want to go to and I said somewhere with a dance floor. She challenges me to see if I knew how to dance and stands up next to me. I grab her and give her a little salsa move and she was impressed and possibly tuned on.

My homie was next to her so they start a comfort building conversation and so do I with the cute ones friend. The friend was cute but not as cute:) I'd say a 6 and the other one was an 8 but made her a 9 since she was so fun to talk to. The friend and I exchange names and talk about simple stuff. My homie gets the cuties number and she says that we all need to go out tomorrow together.

I over hear my homie telling the cutie my name so I jump in and tell him not tell her. She asks me why. I say 'because I don't like you'. She does a motion of her heart breaking and I take it, throw it on the floor and stomp on it. She's shocked. I than pretend to pick up the heart and tell her I want to put it back inside her. She teases me by thrusting her chest at me all sexually. I pull away and tell her I don't think so.

Even though my homie got the number it is understood between us that whoever opens the set has the choice. I love it when my homie gets the number cause it makes me harder to get and the girl knows I can still be reached but far enough that it's still a challenge.

We had to go since the our parking meter was only for an hour. The cutie asks me if I really hate her. I think she was serious so I lean close to her ear and say yes I really hate you and pull away. I then quickly pull up real close to her with her knees on my groin and my arms around her and whisper to her ear what my real name is. She tells me what her name is and tells me she wants to see me tomorrow night. We just stared into each others eyes with that nonverbal, sexual communication. I have built so much sexual tension between us with all the teasing and hating that we could've made out right there but since I really had to go, I give her a kiss on both of the cheeks and leave.

Leaving her with a sense of Mystery is big. We all love the challenge and the mystery of 'what will happen in the future' perspective. Anyways, I had a great time just talking to the two girls. We laughed, joked, teased and got a little physical. Just having a great conversation with the world is amazing to me and so damn fun. The key is to learn what Mystery and David Deangelo has to teach you and make it your own. Try not to copy them for word for word. Understand the concept of being a man and having that confidence and you being the prize is what it takes to meet great and wonderful ladies.

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Being Yourself.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

I know I haven't written in a while and that's because doing the same thing over and over got pretty old real fast. Saying the same thing felt fake and I didn't feel emotionally satisfied. After going out so many times and talking to so many girls, you tend to get burnt out a bit. So I took a break. I kept going out but didn't have that game mentality. Also want to mention that I've had a handful of girls tell me I must've read the game book or watched the pick up artist tv show.

The goal is to keep doing it until it becomes you naturally. Now when I go out, I don't think about openers, negs and any other methods. Now, I just act like myself and not let them have it so damn easy.

Lets be honest, most guys will start to act nice and start giving and do anything they can to impress the girl. The harder you try the less it works and more the girl pushes you away. Crazy, I know. Damn girls. Than again, we do the same thing. When a girl gives it up easily to me, I tend to lose interest fast unless of course if she is very attractive than her giving it up easily still makes you like her.

Now, when I go out, it's all about having that confidence. I throw that cocky funny comments from time to time. There is no sequence I follow. When I feel like complimenting her, I'm careful not to give it to her that easily and rephrase them. Instead of saying 'I think you're so beautiful' I'll say something like 'you are so adorable' then give her a soft pinch on her cheeks.

You're probably wondering why I'm writing after all this months. I'll tell you why. Last night I went out to gaslamp downtown and met a damn attractive girl. I rolled out with a two other homies and 4 home girls. The night was amazing.

She gave me a quick look and I responded quickly by taking her hand and taking her to the dance floor. I didn't even ask. I just took her cause I knew what I wanted and showed her exactly that. I felt instant hard attraction from her. We danced intimately for 10 minutes without saying anything and it was hot. I finally broke it and asked her name. We talked in the middle of the dance floor. I would freak her than back off, spin her than freak her again.

I think of dancing as like fucking. We have to change it up cause doing one thing can get boring and plus, it's a great time to show the girl what you can do in the bed. You have to lead all the time. Be the man.

I told her I'm trying hard not to kiss her than I kissed her. This kiss was great compared to all other kisses I had when I go out because we had this chemistry. We were in the same page and kept starting at each others eyes. She would hold my face and I would grab the back of her neck and we would kiss. I finally broke it off and offered to get her a drink. She said no, than I offered her a cup of water and took her hand and headed to the bar. I stopped half way and introduced her to my crew. My home girl tells her that she should like me because I'm a great catch. I love her:)

I meet her brother and friend. The friend tells me he knows me from the movie fast and the furious. I pat him on the back and tell him he's cool. He buys me and my new girl shots. He instantly likes me but her brother was a bit cautious. I even think he told her I was a player which she tell me that she knows I'm a player. Really, what does that mean? I ask her if that intimidates her. She smiles.

We go outside for a smoke and I get her number. We talk, hold each other, kiss couple times. I noticed how comfortable real fast. I tell her she won't be able to handle me. She tells me I'm too young for her even though she's 3 years younger than me. I find myself qualifying myself to her but I say it in a way where it shows some value. I say "how can I be so young for you when I'm older and am a man. Isn't it being a man about having your my own business and ambitions that's being reached?" Than I tell her I'll giver her 10 seconds to get over it. She tells me being 30 is still young. I tell her I love her for that.

I like to tell girls things like "I love you", "when we get married", "when we have love quarrels" to break the uncomfotable emotional barrier. It's psychological. You usually only say this to someone you have know for a while or to a girlfriend so it brings back ease emotions making you two feel closer than usual real quick.

She tells me I'm a player and rushes away from me to go back inside. I hold back. Than I'm missing her already so I go inside to look for her. The place is crowded and dark and couldn't find her for 10 minutes. I go back outside and luckily I have her number so I call her. Se picks up but i can't hear her because of the loud music. She comes outside and tells me she's been searching for me. I tell her the same thing. The place closes so she says bye and walks away. I grab her by hand, pull her back and kiss her one last time. She whispers in my ear that I'll make a great fuck. Damn. I have never had a great compliment like that on the first night of meeting a girl. When you look at her, she is super hot, thin tight body and has an innocent look and to hear her talk like that blew my mind.

I like this one. The chemistry was electrifying. It does suck that I live in LA now and she's in San Diego.

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Partying My Ass Off

Saturday, March 29, 2008

It's been a while since I wrote but I've been going through a lot of transitions. Yes, I have been doing my thing but nothing out of the ordinary. I do have to write about last night though. Ooh was it so damn fun.

We headed to Stingeree. We got our own bottle service in a cabana and had over a dozen girl friends come by and party out with us. I met so many people that I knew including some of the models that were performing that night. I was such an Alpha Male that even this one cute blond friend of mine 'sar' kissed me on my lips. I do get alot of lip kissing from alot of girls now a days. Usually I kiss the girls on the cheeks but the real cute ones with the confidence that dig me kisses me on the lips. I love it.

Shit, I drank so much. Not only did we get our own drinks from our table, we visited other people that I knew in other tables and they all gave us drinks. I was faded but in a good way where I can still do my thing. I just remembered that I got a girls phone number, a tall brunette and I'm not even that interested even though she's cute. I knew two of the models that were competing tonight and they were all over me making my ass look so damn good in front of others. I was getting kisses all night. I even had this one cute as model that jumped in front of me and got so excited to see me. My boys behind me thought I was legendary after seeing me all night. I thought I was too. It was so damn fun!

Stingeree is a high end club where you have to be looking your best and the girls are the snobbiest if you don't have any game. I was on top of the world last night! Tonight is another party night. I know it's not going to be as great as last night but I always have fun. I have to get this shit out of my system since I'll be moving back to Guam this August and believe me, there will be no sarging and partying like a wild animal.

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Sarging at Costa Rica

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

I went to Costa Rica last week for 5 days for business trip and went out few of times at night to do my single thing. It was amazing. There were people from all over the world. I met girls from Argentina, Sweden, Germany, Switzerland, Canada and bunch of state side spring breakers. I am finding out that it really doesn't matter where they're from and how old they are. They all act the same. They'll be bitchy if you approach wrong but be open if you do it right.

After 'sarging' for half a year now, I am coming to a conclusion that a pick up routine is just a training wheel to learn how to communicate with girls. Pick up lines such as openers are a fun way of starting out a conversation. Neg's are a entertaining way to pick on the cute girls just to bring their ego down a bit. All this is really unnecessary when you 'pick up' girls at any place.

What works is be yourself during conversations. Don't change to try to please a girl. Be confident and that can be as simple as acting like you're a rockstar by leaning back, talking slower and not being so into the girl. Okay, so you can't really be your total self at first, if you're a dork that is:) Hey, I'm a dork. Confidence and teasing them in a cocky funny way is the big key to success.

I have gotten used to using direct openers.

'I noticed you earlier and wanted to know who you are. What's your name?' Or even simple as 'What's your name?'

All this at a rockstar posture and high level of confidence. I had one hot girl look at me with the look of high defense (disgust) for the first second but after she checked me out up and down, seeing how calm and cool I was, leaning back and talking in a cool tone that she literally opened up right in front of my eyes.

I chilled at the Costa Rican, Tamarindo beach most of the day. I approached this cutie with a tight body relaxing in the water and just said what's up, where you from. We talked a little, shook hands and let her go. Later, I approached her at the beach and had her rub sun block all over me.

At the clubs, I even used my little brother's line, the natural PUA and said to two cute girls. Hey, you guys are sitting on my chair but since you two seem cool, you can have it for a while. They were all apologetic and then asked for my name. We talked a bit and then I asked them an opener line 'Let me ask you two something. Do you think it's cheating if your boyfriend was at your home town and you're here but then you get drunk and make out with some random person?' After I let them go, one of them kept hanging out where I was and the other would make kissing faces at me through the night. I really wasn't that interested though and I was on chill mode most of the time I was in Costa Rica so I just entertained it.

The places to go in Costa Rica, Tamarindo is Monkey Bar Friday night, Pacifico Sunday night and Rey Sol Monday night. It's a small street on the beach and each club takes turn opening at night so there is only one bar to go to per night. Email me for more info if you're planning on going there which I highly recommend.

Out of all the girls, I actually really liked this cute canadian girl, Christina. We just connected and were in the same radio frequency if you know what I mean. So damn pretty and cool. I would've taken it further if it wasn't for a local home boy who was really into her and was trying to date her for the past month. I really liked the guy, he was cool Costa Rican guy. He told me how he doesn't have a family because his parents and sister all died of a car accident. That hit me pretty hard. His motto and all Costa Rican motto is Pula Vida (pure life). I couldn't disrespect the guy and we ended becoming friends.

Before I eject, I always give them kisses on each side of their cheeks and sometimes say 'I'm going to go back to my friends but I want you to know that after talking and getting to know you, you are a sexy girl.' That's one thing about me that I still haven't mastered. I can't seem to chill with one girl for too long. I just eject once I find nothing to talk about or if it's going no where. Than again, this allows me to talk to many girls and when I do come back to them later, they hug me and we're like friends.

I sarged way too much that week and it all kinda went the same. It's getting a bit repetitive, obviously. The big reason why routines should be avoided after being comfortable talking to girls. Don't get me wrong, it's still fun.

There were 4 guys, part of the business group that I was with, who stood around and complained how girls at the bar were still snobby like the state side. It's very entertaining to see that having game can make night life so fun and when guys see you talk to all these pretty girls, you instantly become an Alpha male of the group and they'll buy you drinks and want to hang out with you.

Attraction can't be understood. Out of 15 or so girls I hit on, 1 really stood out. I don't know why? They were all very pretty and fun to talk to but Christina, Canadian girl stood out. Maybe it's a preference that triggers your brain because subconsciously you had a good experience with a girl that looked like her when you were young. Maybe it's how she gamed you. Maybe it's the way she smell or the way she talks. Maybe it's her boob and ass size. I'll look more into this.

I've decided after all this experience that I'm going to go back home to Guam end of this year. Costa Rica reminded me of home with the tropical hot weather and the cool and mellow life style. I'm going to learn a lot more about girls psychology through out this year and and then settle down back home. Guam is no place to sarge. Small population and we know everybody so my sarging days will be over. Here in San Diego, there are different girls every damn night I go out and it's full of hot ones. Pretty girls are really common. I never see the same girl more than twice. Amazing. Infinite amount of girl to hit on. I always feel like it's Christmas and all this wonderful gifts to unwrap.

This week and next week is Spring Break. Time to mack on college spring breakers:) Why do we have to like the young pretty ones so much. It must the young attitude and highly energy. Maybe because they are the prettiest at that age, 18-23.

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Logan's PUA technique

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

I'm going to lay out my personal PUA technique. You guys may use this routine and let me know how it goes. Keep in mind that you also must have a 'rockstar' posture. Speak loud but a bit slower like you're cool. Lean back. Don't lean forward to hear her. Have her lean to you. Here it goes.

You need a way to open up the girl without having her reject you right away. Best way to do so is with an opinion opener or a direct opener. Two openers that I really enjoy using.

Opinion Opener: Can I get a your opinion on something? My friends and I are trying to resolve this issue. Do you think it's cheating if you kiss someone else when you're drunk? Is it cheating if the girlfriend kisses other girls?

Direct Opener: Can I be honest with you? I really don't know why but I am attracted to you. What's your name?

Then you throw in a quick time restraint: I can't stay long, I have to meet up with my friends.

I demonstrating that I have higher value than they do by having them qualify them self to me: You know what? You seem really cool. Do you consider yourself to be adventurous? What do you do? What do you want to do when you grow up?

You want to then move them, even if it's couple of feet. It's a psychological sense of going on a quick date: Let's move over there for a second. This place is way too loud. There's something cool I want to show you.

I then create attraction by eiter showing them palm reading, cube routine, ring routine and my latest favorite, ancient chinese massage technique: My ex girlfriend was a massage therapist and she showed me this technique she learned from a Chinese guru. Let me see your hand real quick. (Hold her hand and massage her outer palm) If you rub here for 10 minutes or so, your headache will go away and you'll know it's working if you feel a tingle in your leg. Do you feel it? (Of course this is bullshit but if she likes you she may say she kinda feels it) Here if you rub here (as you rub another part of her palm) you can get rid of your headache, you can tell because your chest will start to get a little warmer. Can you feel that? Okay, now I showed you a chinese secret, pinky promise that you won't tell anyone.

It is important that you 'kino' escalate her. Touching is the best way to create physical attraction but make sure they are light touches only in appropriate spots like elbow, lower back, hands, ect.

It is now for the comfort phase. Build rapport by asking about her personal life and giving out your personal information and such. You can than get her phone number at this point 99.99% of the time. Give her your phone so she can put it in herself.

A great way to kiss close this one is the 3 kiss routine. Tell her to give you a kiss on your one cheek, pointing to it, then the other then point to your lips. Hooaah!

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Las Vegas!

I went to Las Vegas for the first time this last weekend! I went with a group of 18 people so it was a bit tough to pick up girls without having to leave them. We also shared a 2 bedroom suite between 10 of us, so there was no privacy. We partied from friday til sunday morning with only 3 hours of sleep with couple of us that didn't sleep at all. Crazy, I know. It was the party favor that allowed us to party that long without having to crash out.

Friday night we headed to the Bank club and two other clubs that I can't recall. Yes I was fucked up but in a great way. I had my digital camera so I would go up to cute girls and ask them to be in my pictures and the great thing about it is that they all would say yes with enthusiasm. They'll pose close to me. This is a great way to open up a girl or two. To be honest, I didn't sarge that much out here. I was there for my friends birthday and she made sure that I don't wonder off with some other girl on her birthday celebration. I had to be a gentleman and stick around.

The party ended at 7 in the morning and we went back to our suite, slept for an hour and a half and headed to the jacuzzi. I noticed a girl chilling by herself so I walked up to her and basically invited her to party with us. I gave her my number and told her to call me. She texts me later saying how hot I was and that she wants me to invite her over and she has some party favors as well. She comes over, meets my friends and tells me that she can't go party with us because her girlfriend is being lame and wants to stay in for the night. Must've been bullshit but she told me to call her later so we can hang out alone as she fondles my body. She wanted some action from me but I just didn't have the time so I just left it at that and partied some more all over Vegas. Everything felt like a dream and the fun lasted the whole weekend. I don't have any pick up stories here except that I made small talks with as much cute girls I can. The girls here were the same with the girls in san diego and LA. They are all snobby and I saw many guys get blown away. So it just goes to show now a days, we have to have a tight game to make shit happen.

I'm headed off to Costa Rica this week. I'll do better and will report back with more info. Stay tuned.

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Falling in Love

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Falling in Love. No I'm not in love but wouldn't this eventually happen after meeting and dating so many great women? Once you start the habit of understanding women's psychology, knowing how to talk to them and collecting numbers, beautiful girls will evolve around you. Other girls can even sense that from you too?

Some girls are so damn attractive that it still becomes difficult to talk without having to be so nervous. They never stop testing you. I love to hang out and talk about love and relationships with my good friend Breezy. She's exotic (half white and half asian), a massage therapist, an entrepreneur and an exotic dancer who recently was in Hollywood shooting for playboy. We go out together sometimes and believe me, having a girl like her makes other girls open up easily and their defense goes down instantly. This makes it easier to get to know a girl, not that I have a problem without her but still, it's different and fun.

I feel lucky. I go to her anytime I feel stressed and she will give me a professional massage even if it's midnight on a weekday! I learn alot from her experiences with men. She has dated many rich guys, no she's not a gold digger, because of her status. She recently told me about this one millionaire who bought her a volvo car because he was so into her. He eventually became a stalker and freaked her out. Yes, money alone cannot help you get the girl to fall in love with you.

This week was fun. I went on a lunch date with my 10 (Mel), 3 dates with 3 different beautiful girls, 1 booty call, and a 2 birthday parties. One of the girl is 18 years old and the other was 19. I know, pretty damn young but they are so damn pretty. One was a blond with big boobs and the other was a brunette, taller, thinner and with bigger boobs. Going on a date with a 18 year old is no different than going with a 29 year old. It's just that the older the girl is, the less games she will play.

Third one was Cha, the one that I like. I got to meet Cha's parents since I went her mom's birthday party this week. I don't write the girl's full name, just the first 3 letters. Her parents were so damn cool and fun. They loved me. The father was a entrepreneur and a millionaire and we talked business most of the time. This topic fascinates me since I too am a entrepreneur. I have two small business running and have two more being built as we speak. It's easy to start having emotions with your date when you get along so well with their parents. This emotion is common. I'm sure you experienced it too.

I also got a phone number of a cute short haired brunette at my gym. She kinda resembles Angelina Jolie without that sex appeal and skinnier. I see her at my gym so I'm not going to push this one. I'm going to take this for a long slow ride. I don't want to make going to the gym awkward for anybody. I simply went up to her and said 'I just wanted to meet you since I keep seeing you around. What's your name?". They just want to be talked to. Girls are more frustrated with guys looking as if they're interested, staring all the time and not saying hi. She works as a graphic designer at a candle company so I asked her to hook me up with a candle with a smell that sets a relaxing mood since I'm so busy and need something to relax sometimes. She said she'll hook it up. After I got dressed, I walked straight to her while she was in the treadmill and with everyone looking and asked for her phone number sp we can coordinate our candle exchange. She complimented my iPhone and gave me her number.

I called her later in the week and left a message saying to call me 'because i have something quick that i needed to ask her'. She never called back and later in the week she told me at the gym that it was essential that I leave my phone number next time so she can call back. Duh! I told her I my friends were performing in a band and that I wanted her to come kick it with us. She said she'll be down whenever there is a next time.

One of my business is that I'm a photographer for wedding, portraits, models and most recently bands. I made friends with a local rock producer here in san diego and he's got 20 some bands under him. He loves my work and uses me to photograph most of his bands. Being a photographer has it's perks. Especially with the ladies since so many girls ask me to take sexy photos of them.

I find out that one girl I took out couple weeks ago is in porn and the stripper girl I got the phone number from is also another porn actress. I was so shocked. 2 girls I picked up were in porn! I kissed close one but didn't bother to follow up on a date because I just didn't feel like it. Now I feel like it:) It was a same porn company so I was able to see them both while I was surfing that site. No, I don't pay for a porn membership. I'm too cheap for that. I have a friend who works at that company so he gave me a free membership:) It is such a turn on to find that out. I am going to take the one of them out again. I found out through myspace that the other one is married with a kid so I'll stay away from that. Yes, I am picky:) You can too when you have the options.

My friends would always say that the reason that they don't talk to all kinds of girls at bars and parties is that they're picky. I always tell them that how can you be picky when you don't have the options to be picky from. It's a self defense mechanism from being rejected. Have a handful of girls that you date and then you can be picky.

Saturday night, I drop the 19 year old off from a dinner date and go to a birthday party to meet with my friends. I'm thinking maybe later I will take her out again since she loved hanging out with me but this next couple of weeks is going to be busy since I have vegas and Costa Rica for a business trip. Hotels and plane tickets all paid for. Fuck, I can't wait to go there and sarge my ass off.

My two friends got alot to offer but just don't talk to girls. They want to, they even know 'the game' but still don't have the guts to go say hi. They even used to be on top of their games when they were younger but now at the age of 30, they have become insecure a bit. I try to push them but they just stand there and make excuses. I'll keep pushing. That's what friends are for.

So I walk up to this two girls and simply ask them to come over to have a conversation with us. They were more than happy to come and say hi.

Bottom line, especially at parties, we are all there to meet people. Most guys just stand around expecting something to happen. You don't even have to have an opener at parties. Guards are usually down since it's at someone's home and everybody is usually a friend or a friend of a friend.

My friend asks the girls if they wanted a drink and he took off to get them. I tell the girls that I don't get girls drinks and that I get the girls to go get me drinks. I say this in a cocky funny way. They both attack me in a flirty pissed way. I then tell the cuter one that she wouldn't be able to handle a guy like me. Oh, she loved that challenge.

We all love the challenge. So quit being so damn pussy whooped and give them what they want, a challenge. You are the prize. Understand why you have such high values and you need to qualify women to get your attention. Don't tell her about your accomplishments and status trying to prove to them. Share it to them later but until then have them qualify to you why they are good enough to be with you. Have a strong identity and belief. During conversation, if you disagree than disagree with confidence. Don't agree to them just to try to make them feel like you are in the same page. I know all this because I was in that chump shoe. I know exactly what most chumps do and the reason why it's so hard to get the girl that you want. It's good to have scripted lines but it's also great to have a strong frame. Scripted lines help alot but don't try to rely them for the whole conversation or you'll be stuck. Have a strong frame, meaning that it's what you make of it. Small example would be that if you tell a group of people that the party is getting boring and you say it with such believe than they all start to think that. Same concept when meeting girls. When you go talk to a girl with a frame that she is the one that's trying to get in your pants and not the other way around and you show that with a strong body language and tone, she will believe that it is true. 'Framing' is the most powerful psychological tool in my opinion.

After throwing that challenge, the blond was on me all night. She would even throw glances at me when talking to other guys. I threw a middle finger at her when she looked. I thought it was flirty. She's one of the girl that lived in the house where the party was held. Later when I told her I was leaving, she throws me a soft punch on my shoulder and gives me a hug bye. She's cute but I'm seeing people who are hotter and I don't want anymore in my plate right now so I didn't bother with the number. I'll be seeing her around since we roll out with her new roommate from time to time.

Another blond girl keeps looking across the way. I overhear them getting ready to leave. I walk up to the 3 girls and start a conversation. One of the girl was really fat and unattractive but I treated her exactly the same way with the other two cutie. Let them understand that you aren't attracted to the cute one just yet. I cut it short and talk a bit more to the cute one and leave them. I talk and just walk away many times just to make sure that I don't have the fear of rejection and have the habit to socialize.

I've got a date with the 18 year old again this week and I'm off to Las Vegas friday afternoon til sunday evening. I have never been there. I am going to talk to every cute girl there and throw all the games that I have. I can't wait. I'm also going with a crazy group who loves to party and get down. One couple loves to fuck in front of us and that's an entertainment on it's own. I'll keep you guys posted.

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Monday, February 18, 2008

I am overwhelmed with the amount of girls that I know and talk to and yet still haven't hooked up with most of them. It's too much to even remember who to call. I have to slow this down a bit or come up with a method that'll allow me to hook up with them faster. I'm going to have to start that this week.

Friday night I got invited to hang with at a private concert party with a group of friends. I went to dinner with Cha and then went to the concert with the group right after. All the girls got drunk and I was molested by all the girls through out the night. Ass being groped, holding me, dancing with me, i was a piece of meat to them and I liked it. Later that night Bon showed up, the HB I took out last week and it was a bit weird. They all knew I went out with her and Cha on dates and it felt good that I was a prize like that. Jealousy is a strong way to create attractions. I'm thinking I need to quit talking to Bon so I don't create too much drama within the group. Haha, who am I kidding, I love drama. I'm going to ask Bon for a second date. We'll see.

Bon and her friend leaves and the rest of us head to a different venue. Cha gets too drunk and vomits everywhere in which I clean up and had her sleep on my lap for an hour as the rest of the crew is just chilling. It's okay. I like Cha so I don't mind being a gentlemen and just taking care of her for the rest of the night. She thanked me for that the next day and told me she'll never forget what I've done for her.

Saturday night, I head out to local bar to meet up with some of my friends girl friends. Damn, out of 5 girls only one was cute so I talked to her and she gets really into the conversation. My friend's gf tells me she's married so I try to ignore her for the rest of the night. I don't mind fucking around with a girl that has a boyfriend but a husband is a no go for me. I have to draw the line somewhere and I find marriages to be very sacred. My friend's gf tells me later that her friend said this about me 'I'm not into Asian guys but dammmnn'. Too bad I didn't think she was cute.

My friend and I leave the girls and head to a house party. It was a Mexican singles party but luckily i see a white girl out of group. Don't get me wrong, I love latinas but to try to hook up with the hot one in front of all the big ex gang mexican dudes, there was no way I was going to fuck that up. The white girl was tall with reddish brown hair and has big breasts. Very attractive. I say hi to her and tell her I just want to know her name. I tell her that it's nice to see someone else who's not Mexican and that we should be a team. I then tell her to have fun and just walk away.

I so this alot when I go out and I think it works well for me. As soon as I see a cute girl I approach them and just say hi and that I wanted to know their name and later come back to get into deeper conversation. My theory is that she has me in the back of her mind and she'll get curious since my approach is very confident then when I come back later, she'll be more open to want to get to know me.

Later, I see her sitting down next to a guy but they're not really talking so I approach her and tell her that I want to take her to a different area to have a good conversation. She comply and follow me out. A guy cock blocks and keeps talking to us stopping me from talking to the girl (Ann). I glimpse at Ann for help since the guy kept talking to me most. I think he's bisexual and is actually hitting on me. As soon as another guy says what's up to him, I grab Ann and walk away arm in arm. I tell her she failed at helping me out.

So I am leaning back on a pole talking to Ann. I ask her personal questions and even throw in the psychological routine. The guy comes back and he's talking to her like crazy over me. He must've bene upset I walked away and is now trying to take her away from me. She tells the guy that she'll talk to him later after she talks to me so he walks away. Haha. That shit was so awesome to see and I am just leaning back on the wall the whole time like I don't give a fuck. I look into her eyes as much as I could but those breasts were so nice and cleavage so damn exposed it was a bit difficult. She tells me she's only 19 years old. I tell her she's too young for me. I get her number anyways and tell her I'll call her from time to time and see how her life's going. No 19 is not too young for me.

Sunday comes around and I am photographing a hot ass blond girl. This allows me to learn how to hang out with a 10 all day and not be fazed by her beauty. I tease her, call her a dork and show interest only for what she does and has accomplished. She gets comfortable being in her underwear in front of me and I don't show that much interest. We have plans for dinner for a later time.

So I have a date with my 10, Mel, tomorrow. I'm planning on taking her to dinner and than to a fancy place for dessert and wine. This girl is on the top of my list so it's fucked my mind up. I don't want to mess this up. She is half chamorro (guamanian native) however I have to pull the trigger and that's my plan for tomorrow. At least a kiss before she gets way to comfortable with me and just want to be friends. After that I'm sure it'll get alot more comfortable for me. I'll keep you posted.

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Improving on Dating.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Improving on Dating.

So I had a date Friday night with a HB (Hot blonde). We got some dinner and made a mistake taking her to a club/bar. For some weird reason, taking a date to a club just doesn't work. The environment is so different that I couldn't even talk to her and the same from her as well. So we quickly drank our drink and took off to my place. We had a glass of wine and I kissed her a bit. I didn't go any further because she left a tampon wrapper in my bathroom trash can. I called her on it and I thought it was funny. I asked her if she wanted to kiss me. She said maybe. I said lets find out and I went for it. She left after hanging out a bit longer.

Saturday night was a total failure. I went out with my homies. My friend was suppose to meet a girl he was checking out but she text him last minute while we were at the club and said that she wasn't going to make it. I had the mentality of being my boys wingman so it threw me off a bit when they decided not to show. I just didn't have the want and the energy to do anything else. However, there was this hot ass 10 that came into the club. Forget about it. This girl was a damn 11 and taller. She even walked around with that snobby look. I love a challenge. I went up to her and started talking to her. She had this snobby reaction and I made it seem like I was going to walk away and the good thing was that she would start a conversation when I stopped stopped talking. For some weird reason I just didn't like her and not interest and just walked away. She was phenomenally hot but I got bored. I just didn't feel like it. I did this two more times to other girls and with all of them I just walked away without even saying bye and in the middle of a conversation. I just got bored. We went and got some burritos and went home. Oh well. With attractive girls it's just so much damn game that if you fuck up once than recovering can be a bitch. I'm exhausted. I have 2 jobs and run 2 small business on the side. I'm also trying to balance out my single life on top of that.

Sunday night I went out with a girl that I picked up last week. I got her number within 3 minutes and set up a date for Sunday night. She really wasn't my type but I loved her personality. She was older, my age, and she was a total nerd like how I am. We both collected comic books in the past, enjoyed comic con and played video games. I took her to dinner, took her to my place and than asked her if she wanted to kiss me. She said yes. So we made out and I progressed further. Every time I went a step further she would say no so I would say, 'yeah that's bad' and step back a bit, continue what i was doing and move forward anyways. This went on all the way until we finally fucked. She left after. Weird how I just saw this as a practice. Sex was definitely fun and enjoyable especially there wasn't too much game that I had to play. I'm almost numb now. The girls I actually do like plays it so damn hard to get that I just get fuckin tired and bored of going all the way through. I think I need a little vacation or maybe, I need to keep the 6's for fast fuck and the 10's as gaming work.

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Confidence in Body Language

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Building confident body language to pick up the girls.

I realize that after learning and applying myself out in the field, ultimately, showing that you're confidence can take you further than anything else. Don't get me wrong, I do believe in properly sequencing emotions to get the girl but it's becoming bad to sticking to a script all the way through. Especially with PUA becoming so mainstream, we have to be careful not to say to a girl what she's seen on TV.

This week has been probably the best week. I went back to the strip joint and got the bartender's phone number. Looked her up in myspace and she is married with a kid. I think I should stay away from her.

Friday night, big group of us head to Stingeree. The blond girl 'Cha'I'm interested in was there with the group so I entertained her for a while. One of our female friends brings in a short blond 'Bon'and all the guys start talking about how cute she is. No one was doing anything about it so I stepped in. Obviously, since she was part of the group there was no need for any openers. I just said hi and chatted a bit. I tell her to come over and meet the rest of the crew so I threw her to the guys and I lean back.

After saying hi to everyone, she goes to her girlfriend. Couple minutes later, I see her looking at me from a distance. I wave her to come over while I stand there like a rock star all leaning back. She comes over and we talk. She's all over me, touching me and really getting into our conversation. She wanted to find her friend so I tell her I'm going to help and take her hand and lead her to the second floor. I take her to a quiet place and continue our conversation, away from everybody and away from the girl that I like.

I'm playing with fire here. This short blond is close friend who is also a close friend to the girl I like. The problem is that the girl I like is almost non sexual and she's more of a girlfriend material, super easy going, cool as hell, drama free and has her head straight. Fuck it.

Just then the shorty 10 'Mel', that I am attracted to appears out of no where with her friends and surprises me. She text and tried to call me to say hi while she saw me at the club but I didn't hear my cell. Yes! I must've looked so good talking to a cute blond who was all over me while my 10 was watching. I say hi and let the 10 go.

I take the blond back to the group and take some of the guys to walk around. I open up a 3 set and tell the black girl 'I would like to be honest with you. I'm not normally attracted to black women but you are very beautiful'. She was. Light skin, hazel brown eyes and very sweet. You would think that I would get slapped for saying something like that but it's always how you say it and not what you really say. She response by saying she was thinking the same about me since I was Asian. My two boys talk to the other two girls and they instantly hit it off. I get her phone number and urge my friend to get his girl's number which he did. We switched talking to each other's girl and the new girl I was talking to was all over me trying to dance with me. Since my friend already got her number, I behaved accordingly. My friends were impressed on how easy I do it. It's all about that confidence and the sex appeal.

I go back to my group and back to Cha. Her little friend asks me real loud in front of Cha where my new friend is and that she saw us holding hands and walking away. I ignore her comment and whisper to Cha "I'm very concerned that you are on my mind more than I want it to be." She started showing me more interest by dancing with me more.

When you want to tell a girl that you like her, do not ever tell her straight out that you like her. Always uses clever lines like I just used to show that you are still higher in value. Once you let the girl know that you really like her than it's game over for your ass. Straight compliments only work if she already likes you alot or after you guys have fucked. They have the upper hand at that point. I don't even like it when a girl tells me that straight out.

I called the short blond two days later and set up a date for Friday.

I also have have another date Sunday from another girl I got a number from. Saturday night we went out in Encinitas and a brunette girl was waiting outside by herself for a friend. I say hi and talk to her and find out that she's a black belt in Kenpo. I'm a martial artist and have been all my life so this one caught my attention. She showed me her badass tattoo of a dragon on her right side of her body and a tiger on the other. Hot. I ask for her number telling her that we need to continue this discussion at a later time. She had this pleasant surprise about me asking for the number which made me feel good. We'll see how this goes Sunday. Sex can be rough I can imagine.

I don't believe in waiting to call back. I call back the next day while the memory is still fresh. You can show them you're still badass without having to wait so many days. My biggest worry now is do I try and hook up with the short blond Bon knowing it might leak to Cha. Shit. Sometimes single life can be dramatic as well.

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Strip Joints.

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Pick up a stripper.

I just recently found Cajun's Keys to the VIP video and I have to tell you, he is the man. It was perfection. Check out the video.

One of the things that Cajun teaches is the whole body approach. You need to come off like youre a real rockstar. Head tilted up and bringing it down when talking to a girl and bring it back up. Talk slower and make it sound more meaningful. Basically how to be confident from your posture. I love it. It has brought my game in another level. They see the confidence even before opening my mouth. Let's test it out at a strip club.

Ever once in a while, I'll stop by a strip joint for some hotdog and coke and a little entertainment for lunch. To day was a good one. I go inside and get my food and drink and notice that there is a hot short blond bartender. I gotta say a 9 cute. Cutest I've seen at a strip club. I kept my cool and the rockstar attitude.

Always keep a straight face with little emotional reaction. The whole time a dancer would come up and talk I would mention something away from her dancing and about her. I chilled a bit and went to the bartender to finish my drink there. The cute blond and I started talking, building comfort.

She got aggressive and straight says's "You're cute. "
I tell her "You're not too bad yourself."
She giggles. She asks "So, do you work out? You have a nice body."
I say "Were you checking me out and looking at my ass?"
She says she was and tells me she's very visual.

We started talking about the kind of clubs we like to go to. She was giving me the signs that shows she's attracted. Starting conversations when I stop talking. The obvious bluntness of her telling me I'm good looking and has a nice body. Asking me about me.

I tell her "Your boyfriend must be very lucky."
She says "My boyfriend is very lucky since he gets away with alot of shady shit."
I say "Where can I buy someone like you?"

She continues to ask me about the clubs so this shows me that she is still game although she has a boyfriend. I sensed it from her.

Just than a dancer that kinda has a crush on me that I'm not too interested in comes by and gives me this jealous look and stands between me and the cute blond. I went there twice total within the last 2 months for lunch and she gave me some hard idea that she's interested in me but I think she's a 6 so I'm passing. I'm not going to run through hoops so I say bye and head out. The blond told me she was off on weekends so I'll maybe check her out next week to get her number, maybe.

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Friday, January 11, 2008

Let me tell you what the heck the United States did to us American men and women. First off, majority of the girls in other countries in Europe, Asia and even the North Pole (santa's elves) all love American men because we generally put women up in the pedestal. Women are treated pretty badly compared to America over there. Guys are more ruthless and some countries, it's legal to beat your wife. Crazy, I know. So you will always hear when your friends travel to other countries, girls flock to their presence once they find out that they're Americans. Of course them wanting to get a visa in some cases don't hurt either. The way those non American women treat their men is amazing. They will worship you practically.

In America, it's not the girls fault that most of them has to act like a bitch to you. It's not their fault that they will test you and stop calling you and ignore your phone calls after you fail the test. It's our fault. Women have so much power that they are about to become the president of the United States (Hillary Clinton) and rule over us men. We did this. Go to a club and sit back and watch what happens. This is so damn typical. A guy goes over to the girl and flocks all over them, offers to buy them drinks instantly and tries to hang around them like they got no other life. It looks pathetic and it's common. I was there man. I was that nasty guy. It's the way our mom's raised us. Ask a hot girl what they're used to at clubs and bars. They are used to hundreds of guys doing the same thing to get their attention and all because they are physically attractive. Hot women are way too experienced in social behavior with male encounter. So they have to be defensive, they have to be selective and yes, they have to be bitchy just to get the point across.

Within last few months, I've been on many dates (all 9's and 10's) and here is what works best from trial and error.

Let me start with the most important rule of dating. You have to create your own frame. You are the one in charge and whatever reality that you want to live is what needs to happen. Don't ask her, tell her. Don't wait for permission, give it. Don't find out what she wants to do, you just pick it and set it.

Quit being so damn whimpy and needy and be a man. A 'man' can only be defined by a woman and being a 'woman' can only be defined by a man or else the definition will be bias if defined by the same sex. Woman wants a confident, a bit cocky in a funny way (David Deangleo), higher status, who can give them multiple emotional feelings from jealousy to surprised to sadness to happiness, who can seduce them and who can be 'normal' around them. How do we act in front of our homies and sisters. We tease them. We are cool with them. If I call them and they don't pick up it's no big deal. If i make plans with them and it doesn't fall through, it's no big deal, we'll do it next time. Notice when you're with a hot girl, you tend to get really nice and submissive and try to impress the girl by making sure you don't offend them and asking them how they feel. You try to show off how rich you are or the things that you do. Most guys don't act like themselves. This will never work if you're looking for the girl that you want to be with.

I let them know that we are hanging out and never mention that we're 'dating'. Always let them understand that we're hanging out as friends and nothing more. If something romantic comes out of it than great but I am not expecting it.

Don't ever invite yourself in to the girls home no matter what. I have female friends who constantly complain about this and the shit they gotta do to try to give them the hint to leave is so damn funny.

At first, tell them to meet you at your place. Invite them inside for a second so you can 'grab your stuff'. This is so that they become familiar with your home so that maybe later they won't feel so unsure about coming over since they already came over once. (Deangelo's idea)

Be cocky and funny. Tell them things like, you guys are now married and should plan a trip to an exotic country and shock the beach on goers by you two making out wearing a nun and a priest outfit. Stories like this implies that you are sexually interested in her but without actually telling her. It's also funny and girls love this kid of interactions way more than simple questions and answer sessions.

Push Pull. Hold her hands than pull away and let her know she's being way too pushy. Put your arms around her than slightly push her away when ever you feel that she is getting into it. Girls are like cats. You give them a little bit of that string than pull it away and you will see the cat going crazy and want it more and chase that string. Give her the whole ball of yarn and she'll play with it for a second and walk away. Put the cat on your lap and she will want to jump away soon but push her away and she will want to come after your lap and affection. Us guys, we're dogs. Just give us a bone and we're happy.

Go to multiple venues so that it's like going on multiple dates. Take her to a local concert but on the way stop by to get something to munch on real fast. Get a drink at a local bar first. Stop by a nice area to walk around, arm in arm and chat for couple of minutes. She will feel more comfortable with you this way.

At the end of the date, invite her over to your place so you can show her some photos, video, the book you talked about. However, let her know, you will need to kick her out because you have to wake up early tomorrow for work so she can only stay couple of minutes.

Do not be afraid to touch her. 'Kino escalate', thank you Mystery.

Here's my theory. If you want to keep her as a friend and want to have a friendly relationship with her after the sex is over than don't do anything more than kissing that night. You need to build strong comfort. If you want to just fuck than move on and that's a whole different session of education. Never tell them you want to be with them for the long run if that's not your plan. Girls will get hurt and it's fucked up to emotionally hurt them like that. When they finally give in, girls put their emotions into it. They will be cool with the fact that you're only looking for some fun and not interested in a serious relationship. Women need sex too you know.

Enough for now.

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Huge Mistake!

Monday, January 7, 2008

Hillary was this cutest girl I have met so far. Black hair with big bright blue eyes and an awesome personality. I made the biggest mistake with Hillary this week. So bad that I had to delete her number and completely forget her.

Last Saturday, my roll dogs and friends were all going to downtown and or too busy to go out so I decided to go out by myself. I went to my favorite place Yogi's. Awesome as ever again. I started alone with a drink in hand and just hanging out watching people. I mingled with couple of people but just to mingle and get my energy started. Luckily the bouncer was cool with me and eventually and coincidentally met some of my acquaintances so I chilled with them. I went to the back to smoke and Jare the bouncer was there. I started a conversation with a brunette by telling her that she was cute and had a really innocent look to her. She thought I was joking with her but I told her it's how I feel right now. She complied.

So far, surprisingly, complimenting on the girls look as my approach has been working the best for me. I think this only works when the girl is physically attracted back. Gotta narrow this down more on logic.

We talked and she was all over me. She was talking to me so close that her body was touching mine. Than all of a sudden she introduces me to her husband nearby. I was surprised but i quickly made friends with the husband. I excused myself and went back inside.

I than see this gorgeous girl. Hillary. I see that an acquaintance of mine was taking her group's photo and trying to work himself in but the girls were showing a little resistance. He than brings me over to introduce them. I tell them they need to spread out because all the shy guys here are having a hard time approaching them. I than say hi to Hillary. She introduces herself and we got to instantly comfort building. I moved her around the bar hand in hand. She wanted my phone number and wanted to hang out again already. She buys me a shot. She even says no to her girlfriends inviting her to party somewhere else so she can stick around the bar. I was too damn shocked to see it so damn fast we were escalating without me doing hardly anything and i was so damn attracted to her. You know that feeling when you see someone for the first time and your stomach just drops. It's psychological. I than see my female friend Mel and I get pulled away from Hillary for a second.

Mel is a fucking 10 if not more. She looks like Kate Beckinsale and is friendly as fuck. I"m so damn attracted to her and I'm photographing her this week. I made up my mind I'm going in when I see her, at least 1st base.

I was so surprised to see Mel there, I talked to her for a bit and went back to Hillary. She really wanted me to hang out with her. I can just sense that. Her starting conversations. Her complying to my touches. It was on. It was damn crowded in there. A guy friend of hers started talking to her and at the same time, the married girl started talking to me. So we got separated and I see Hillary walking away with the other guy. She gives me that look like she'll be back. I go to Mel and hang with her and the guy she's with and the guy tells her he thinks I'm really cool. Points for me. Mel tells me that she's single now. Fuck yes! I forget the time and try to find Hillary but she's gone. I was so damn disappointed that I didn't get her number when she suggested us exchanging our number.

I go home and since she told me alot about herself I was able to find her phone number online. I know this was the wrong thing to do but it was love at first sight. Big freaken mistake. I text her the next day and she even responded back saying it was nice to meet me but I can sense that weird barrier from her. I can't blame her. I found her number online. That's creepy. It's a no no. I than asked her to have dinner with me and she shoots a nasty text saying she's got a man and that it's not appropriate. My heart just fell to the floor and man, is it shocking. It's a great way to move on though. Clean and to the point.

All girls will say they got a man if they're not interested. Girls that have boyfriends will usually try to hide it from you as long as they can if they are interested in you.

Lesson learned. Hey, at least I got hottest girl I can find in the bar to buy me a drink and walk around with me holding hands. That's badass in it's own. Than again this is good for me. I am not ready to settle down since I have too much going on and can't handle a relationship. I would've settled with this girl and fuck up my financial goals and personal responsibility. This is a good thing that happened in my opinion. I should never date that one girl who has a spell over you and that can make you start a war for her love. Hillary was that one and I was lucky enough to have lost it this way. A great experience for me. It is so damn rare to find that girl that flips your heart like that. I would've been so damn pussy whooped.

Sunday comes around and I have a date with Tam. 6 feet blond girl. The date was very pleasant. Had sushi and soju, went to get a beer at a local bar than hung out at my place smoking bud and laughing our asses off and building heavy comfort. I like Mel. She's a very sweet and fragile girl and I love how much taller she is. Sexy and very independent and strong mind. Not to mention her body fucking rocks. I told her that I wasn't going to kiss her because I want to build our friendship before anything happens since we met at a bar and that sounds tacky. I took her back to her home at 10 pm and now I feel like we have bonded in another level. I'm going to take her out again and this time I'm going to ravage her but we'll see how it comes out.

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